Older Adults’ Preparedness to Age in Place

A national study conducted by The University of Michigan surveyed adults 50-80 about their perspectives on aging in place, their homes and social support. The majority of adults age 50–80 (88%) felt it is important to remain in their homes for as long as possible. Moon River Senior Care can provide the necessary support to “age in place.”

Call us today at (703) 766-5758 for more information, or fill out the Contact form and let us know how we can help.

“Aging in place” refers to living independently,  safely, and comfortably in one’s home for as long as possible, and it’s an important goal for many older adults and their families. Without home modifications and additional support from others, however, unexpected medical events and declines in health can make it challenging to remain in one’s home. Over January and February 2022, the University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging asked a national sample of adults age 50–80 about their perspectives on aging in place, their homes, and available social support.

Considering aging in place

One in seven older adults (15%) said they have given a lot of consideration to what modifications their home may need to be able to stay there as they age, 38% have given some consideration, 26% little consideration, and 21% no consideration. Adults age 65–80 were more likely to have given consideration (a lot or some) to the home modifications needed to age in place compared with those age 50–64 (59% vs. 48%), as were people who have a self-reported disability, impairment, or chronic health condition that limits their activities compared with those who do not (62% vs. 48%).

About one in five older adults (21%) had moved in  the past five years; of those, 52% moved to a home that was easier to get around, 49% moved to a smaller home, 34% moved closer to relatives, and 11% moved in with relatives or had relatives move in with them.

Original  Article:
Most older adults want to ‘age in place’ but many haven’t taken steps to help them do so’
Written By: Kara Gavin | The University of Michigan | April 2022

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