This innovative adult day program in Chula Vista, CA invites older adults with Alzheimer’s disease to relive their memories from the 1950s. The facility is a replica of small town from that era. Participants enjoy activities at the Town Square, pet shop, retro diner, mock pub, clothing store, movie theatre and barber shop. What a great way to engage older adults with Alzheimer’s disease! Check out this video!
This giant 1950s town replica in California is a new kind of treatment center for people with Alzheimer’s
© Business Insider
by Alyssa Pagano | May 21, 2019
“This giant 1950s town replica in California is a new kind of treatment center for people with Alzheimer’s
Glenner Town Square looks like a 1950s town, but it’s actually a treatment center in Chula Vista, California for people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The center uses reminiscence therapy to help spark memories and provide a comforting environment for aging patients. Participants rotate through a series of immersive activities, like playing bingo in a retro dinner or making jewelry in a clothing store, that keep their minds and bodies active.”
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Moon River Senior Care and Transportation is a licensed Home Health Agency committed to helping older adults maintain independence and quality of life.